The first steps on the way to the Selmo machine

Selmo defines a guideline for behavior-oriented engineering in the programming of automation systems. Behavior-oriented engineering in automation refers to the approach where the behavior of systems, machines, and processes is the focus of development and design efforts. The behavior and interactions of system components are analyzed and modeled to develop automation solutions. The goal is to create systems that are able to respond correctly and appropriately to different situations and environmental conditions.

1. Retrofit

Important consideration in advance: Assess the current state - what needs to be improved and replaced?

When an existing system is modernized and brought up to the state of the art, it is called a retrofit. The first step is to assess the current state of the mechanical and electrical design. The next step is to determine what needs to be improved and what needs to be replaced. Are there components that can or must continue to be used?

If the system is still operational, the current process must be recorded and described. Specific details are necessary to avoid assumptions and interpretations.

2. New Plant

In contrast to the retrofit with the current state analysis, the target state is described in the case of a new plant: What should the machine do?

In both cases, the result is a detailed process description, which is the prerequisite for the next steps.